The Daily Laws by Robert Greene — Day 2

Our Childhood Obsessions Fuel our Purpose

How World of Warcraft helped me find my Life Task

TJ Rao


When we were kids, we all had things that we were obsessed with. Some kids love to draw, some kids love to play sports or music, and others are more interested in animals or science.

I couldn’t figure out what my life task was. So I looked back to when I was a child and remembered all of my obsessions — I used to be OBSESSED with World of Warcraft. Back when I was in high school, my friends and I would get together after school or stay up all night on weekends, killing monsters and earning gold, armour and making progress with our characters.

World of Warcraft: Wrath of The Lich King cover
World of Warcraft: Wrath of The Lich King, Blizzard Entertainment

I spent hours every day talking about quests and strategizing with my guildmates about how best to beat difficult bosses or complete challenging quests.

That’s when it hit me. Running a guild in World of Warcraft is similar to running a business in many ways. You need people with different skillsets who will work together on projects and reach goals together as part of an overall vision that everyone shares. You also need people who are willing to take initiative without being micromanaged by their boss (in this case, you). And finally, you have some resources that everyone contributes towards achieving goals such as gold or experience points (these represent monetary resources)

Check out my other life lessons from World of Warcraft here.

Look back to your childhood, see what excited you when you were young, and maybe..just maybe, you’ll find your Life Task.

Whether it’s photography or cooking or gardening or playing the flute, there’s something special about the way we spend our time when we’re doing things we love — and that’s where happiness lies.

This is part 2 of a series where I journal my journey through Robert Greene’s book ‘The Daily laws’. For Part 1, click here.

