How to prevent negative people from affecting your life

TJ Rao
4 min readJun 17, 2021
Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

We can’t control what happens to us on a daily basis, but we can choose how we react. This is especially true when it comes to the people in our lives. A constant stream of negative people can cause stress. While it is impossible to prevent all negativity from entering your life, there are ways you can condition yourself to not be affected by it. Negative people can drain your energy. And it’s pretty easy for them to suck you into a negative mindset. We’ve all experienced that person who enjoys nothing more than complaining and making others feel down.

Learn to identify the negative people

They don’t have to be family or close friends. They may be co-workers or distant acquaintances. If you identify people who always complain, the ones who are making others around them miserable, recognize that they aren’t worth it. Recognize their behaviour as toxic and set your boundaries. If they are constantly making you feel bad, cut them off. Negative people can easily turn you into a cynic. Instead of thinking positively and having positive expectations, you are likely to only expect the worst. You might begin to expect the worst in others, and as a result, you will see them in a negative light. So fight for the things you believe in. Focus on what is good in the world and you’ll feel better about yourself and the world.

Understand why they are being difficult

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Sometimes it’s not always their fault. Some people are just negative and need to vent, regardless of the situation. That doesn’t mean you have to listen to it all the time. In fact, most people are not trying to hurt you. It’s okay to distance yourself when they are out of line. Recognize that they are venting and not wishing ill-will on you. That is the key to gaining emotional distance from negative people. Eliminate people from your life. Cutting out people who always bring you down is another option to limit the amount of negativity you absorb from others. This may be more difficult if they are family members or friends who have been in your life for a long time. But remember, if they are draining your energy and negatively affecting your outlook, it’s time to cut the cord.

Stay selective about who you give you your time to

Photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash

Only choose the people in your life who you want around. Are you friends with them because they make you feel good about yourself? If not, you should stop being friends with them. When you’re with negative people, your thoughts are likely to be negative. Negative people tend to hold you back. So it’s important to distance yourself from them. Life is too short to waste it being depressed by negative people.

Focus on improving yourself

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

In order to get away from negative people, you need to take your focus off of them and focus on how you can improve yourself. Find other things to be happy about. Don’t let others ruin your day. You can choose to focus on something better than you’ve ever thought of. If you constantly let negative people into your life, you will get drained of your energy. And that’s never a good thing for anyone. Rely on others to lift you up If it gets to the point where you feel that you can’t function without someone to keep you positive, maybe it’s time to make some changes. Friends can help, but you can also rely on a motivational coach. As long as you make a conscious effort to stay positive, there is no problem.


There is no such thing as an innocent bystander. It’s you who will have to overcome the negative environment in your life and make it a positive one. Not everyone is going to be happy for you and you shouldn’t expect anyone to be. While many people will be happy for you when you succeed, there will be a few haters out there. They don’t deserve to be in your life and you can do everything in your power to avoid having negative influences.

